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China Is Not The Country Who Use Most Pellet In The World

In the past few years, the global biomass fuel pellet industry has grown significantly. Biomass fuel pellets have become the main fuel in many countries. The earliest boom in pellet consumption appeared in the European region, which is closely related to their national subsidies and climate.

Based on these data, at the 2015 European pellet Conference, it was reported that about 1.7 million tons of biomass fuel pellets were consumed in 2000 and 24.50 million tons were consumed in 2013. In 2014, it reached 27 million tons. In 2015, it was 28 million tons. This figure includes 13 million tons of heated pellets and 13 million tons of power plant combustion.

In addition, the most significant increase is in the EU. Recent data show that in 2014, European countries accounted for 50% of global pellet production. In other words, European countries produced 13.5 million tons of biomass fuel pellets.

The main food producer in Europe is Germany. It is estimated that in 2014, the country produced about 2.1 million tons. Germany is a leader in other European countries such as Sweden, Latvia and Austria. During the same period, 1.6 million tons, 1.3 million tons and 950,000 tons were produced respectively.

These four pellet production leaders and other European countries contributed to a 35% increase in the pellet industry between 2010 and 2014. The fastest growth was during 2013-2014: biomass fuel pellet production increased by 11%.

European countries mainly use biomass fuel pellets for home heating and power plants. In this case, the United Kingdom is still the main pellet consumer country. First, it is related to government policies, including subsidies and support for biomass power plants. This is why some coal-fired power plants have been transformed into biomass power plants.

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Name: Christine

Mobile:+86-155 0868 1778



Add:Zhangqiu City,Shandong Province,China